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    The activist arguments

    (back to Essentials)

    What is also at issue is racial harmony and equality of opportunity among the state’s people, and racial neutrality on the part of the state’s government. In the activists’ demands for “sovereignty” or “entitlements” we hear echoes of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, white supremacy and other concepts based on racial discrimination–concepts which many brave men and women have given their lives to oppose.

    We believe that the arguments of the activists are factually and historically wrong.

    We believe that individuals of Hawaiian ancestry are just like the rest of us. Hawaiians are not a “people” separate from the state’s other citizens. They are not a “tribe”, not a “sovereign nation”. They are one among many ethnic groups in the state, entitled to the same respect we give all those groups and their varied cultures–but not more.

    We believe that racial preferences are never the right answer, especially not in Hawaii.

    At the same time, we believe that if people are in need, the social support systems of the state should be available to help them, without regard to race. That is the best answer, and it fits perfectly with both the aloha spirit and the idea of equal protection of the laws.

    As we build this web site, we will continue to try to alert the public, Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian alike, to the impact of the OHA giveaway on public schools and its truly horrible economic consequences for the State.

    We will discuss, one by one, the arguments advanced by the activists in support of what we call the racial agenda. We will show, one by one, why they do not justify abandonment of the two magnificent concepts of Aloha and Equal Protection. We will address the myths of “stolen lands”, “lost sovereignty” and “lost culture” that have been retold so often, both by activists and by the media, that they are accepted by many as true.